Racial and Ethnic Disparities (RED) refers to minority youth populations who are involved in the juvenile justice system at disproportionately higher rate than non-minority youth at that same decision point. 

The Juvenile Justice Reform Act of 2018 (JJRA) broadened the scope of the RED initiative from "disproportionate minority contact" to "racial and ethnic disparities," requiring an examination of not only potential disproportionate representation at all decision points within the juvenile justice continuum and implementation of data-based prevention and system improvement efforts, but examining results in disparate outcomes for similarly situated youth. Prior to the JJRA, the leading legislation was the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 2002 (JJDPA). Additional history on RED can be found on the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's website

The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council works to understand the root causes of RED as well as ensuring that all children, regardless of race, ethnicity or class, have equal and fair treatment before the law.

Please note, as of October 1, 2019, the website will be use both RED and DMC language accordingly. 

FREE Racial & Ethnic Disparity Data Technical Assistance Opportunity

Technical assistance is now available for juvenile justice agencies/organizations to receive personalized assistance on data analysis in an effort to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in their community. More information can be found Download this pdf file. here

EJAY Subcommittee

The Download this pdf file. Equity and Justice for All Youth (EJAY) Subcommittee , formally known as the DMC Subcommittee, is a subcommittee of the Georgia Juvenile Justice State Advisory Group (SAG) and is tasked with addressing the fourth core requirement listed in the Juvenile Justice Reform Act (JJRA)/Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA)—RED/DMC. All members of the EJAY Subcommittee are appointed by the SAG. The EJAY Subcommittee meets on a quarterly basis.

The EJAY Subcommittee, which is staffed by a part-time DMC coordinator, supports and enhances statewide efforts to reduce disproportionate minority contact within the juvenile justice system and provides recommendations to the SAG regarding efforts to reduce RED. The DMC Coordinator, housed at the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, plans and coordinates the RED Subcommittee meetings and provides information and research, both local and national, relating to disproportionate minority contact. If you are interested in available trainings provided, please click here.

Click Download this pdf file. here to see a list of current RED Subcommittee members.

For more information, please contact RED Coordinator Haley Dunn-McKinney at [email protected].

Georgia's DMC Assessments

Related Links

Georgia Juvenile Data Clearinghouse DMC Dashboard
The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council serves as the administrator of federal juvenile justice funds for the state and is responsible for ensuring that accurate juvenile crime data is collected and reported to the U.S. Department of Justice and the Georgia General Assembly.

Download this pdf file. DMC Facts & Resources
Disproportionate Minority Contact describes the disproportionately high/over-representation of minority youth in the juvenile justice system, in proportion to their general population and as compared with white youth.

DMC Forums/Trainings/Webinars

There are no training opportunities available at this time. Previous training opportunities are listed below:

2019 Youth Justice Forum
May 2, 2019 - Peachtree City Atlanta Hotel & Conference Center

The purpose of the 2019 Youth Justice Forum is to ensure uniform and evidence based justice experiences for all youth in Georgia.

School Justice Partnership Forums

The purpose of the School Justice Partnership Forums is to bridge the gap of school discipline and criminal justice reform. By using the links below, you may access a recording of the livestream from the events and related documents.

DMC Webinars

By using the links below, you may access a recording of the livestream from the events.

The Juvenile Justice Unit at the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council hosted its second Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC)Webinar on Friday, November 21, 2014. The webinar was filmed at the Barton Child Law and Policy Center at Emory University and included the following topics directly related to DMC: evidence-based practices, the new Detention Assessment Instrument (DAI), and school based referrals.

A link to the live broadcast of the event is listed below (2014 DMC Webinar). The 2014 Webinar is the 1st selection on the page. The 2013 Webinar is the 5th link on the page and was filmed on December 11, 2013.

2013 Forum To Increase Evidence-Based Practices To Reduce DMC Presentations