

Generally, recipients are reimbursed on a monthly or quarterly basis. To request reimbursement, the recipient must submit a financial report within thirty days of the month's or quarter's end date, documenting expenses that have been made during the month or quarter. The type of financial report and its due date is dependent on the type of grant awarded. Please refer to the guidance provided by your auditor for specific information, or feel free to view our calendar for upcoming SER/SAR due dates.

From time to time, subgrantees may also need to change/update any of the following on a grant:

  • The primary and secondary contact information;
  • A budget modification within currently approved budget categories;
  • An extension on the project's lifecycle;
  • Personnel changes (either changes in the persons funded or the percent of time spent on the grant).

To request any of these, subgrantees must submit a Subgrant Adjustment Request (SAR). Refer to your grant auditor/specialist for this document.


The result of Coverdell grants should be a demonstrated improvement over current operations in the quality and/or timeliness of forensic science or medical examiner services provided in the State, including services provided by laboratories operated by the State and services provided by laboratories operated by units of local government within the State. Reduction of forensic analysis backlogs is considered an improvement in timeliness of services.

The result of Coverdell grants directly to units of local government should be a demonstrated improvement over current operations in the quality and/or timeliness of forensic science or medical examiner services provided by the local jurisdiction.

The output measures for recipients of funding under this program are:

  • Change in the number of days between submission of a sample to a forensic science laboratory and delivery of test results to a requesting office or agency;
  • The number of backlogged forensic science cases analyzed with Coverdell funds, if applicable to the grant;
  • The number of forensic science or medical examiner personnel who completed appropriate training or educational opportunities with Coverdell funds, if applicable to the grant.

Semi-Annual Reports

Coverdell subgrantees submit semi-annual reports to document the activity that occurred during the previous six months period. These reports are due via email to your grants specialist on a semi-annual basis.

Semi-Annual Reports Timetable:

Reports Dates Due Date
Report 1:
October 1 - December 31
Due: January 15
Report 2:
January 1 - June 30
Due: July 15
Final Report:
July 1 - September 30
Due: October 15