Trainings and Resources
CJCC, alone and in collaboration with partners, develops, and delivers statewide training that addresses all forms of human trafficking for a variety of professional sectors and needs. For more information about training and upcoming opportunities, please email the Human Trafficking Unit Supervisor Erica Atzenhoffer at [email protected].
Trainings include:
- Human Trafficking 101
- Understanding Human Trafficking for Medical Providers
- The Intersection of Human Trafficking and Poly-victimization
- Understanding and Recognizing Child Sex Trafficking for the Hospitality Industry
- Human Trafficking Training for Law Enforcement, First Responders, Prosecutors, Judges, Child Protective Services, and Juvenile Justice
- Training for Healthcare Provider Assessments of Child Sex Trafficking (provided by Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta)
- Human Trafficking and Gang Investigator Certification Training (GGIA)
- Georgia’s Labor Trafficking Comprehensive Response
- Enhanced Collaborative Model Agricultural Labor Trafficking Training
- Understanding the Role of School Resource Officers in Combating Human Trafficking
- Understanding the Role of a Human Trafficking Victim Advocate
- The Role of Local Government in Combating Human Trafficking
- Training for First Responders on Foreign-Born Human Trafficking
Statewide Human Trafficking Victim Advocate:
The Statewide Human Trafficking Victim Advocate serves as a liaison between survivors and law enforcement ensuring that victims’ voices are heard in policy and protocol development, as well as responding to statewide hotline inquiries. Serving as a systems-based advocate, and a primary resource to the HEAT unit, the advocate will provide victim access to justice system information, legal and investigative accompaniment, and providing referrals and information to mental health services and community resources to ensure victim safety and support. Please email [email protected] for more information.
Statewide Human Trafficking Hotline: (866)- ENDHTGA (3634842)
In coordination with state partners and non-profits, a statewide human trafficking hotline was created to serve as a one-stop shop to answer questions and receive assistance. This hotline serves as a vital resource that provides information to law enforcement when there is suspicion of sexual or labor exploitation of minors or adults, as well as connects individuals to services and resources throughout the state. Trained law enforcement agents, advocates, and first responders are available 24/7 to answer calls. The hotline is also available in Spanish. Please visit our website for more information about this initiative.
Hotline Options:
- Option 1: Georgia Bureau of Investigation Tip Line
- Option 2: Minor Services for Sex Trafficking - Children’s Advocacy Center of Georgia
- Option 3: Adult Sex Trafficking – Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
- Option 4: Labor Trafficking - Tapestri
- Option 5: Emergency Triage Center for Trafficked Youth – Receiving Hope Center, Wellspring Living
- Option 6: National Human Trafficking Hotline
2024 Human Trafficking Training Compendium
CJCC and the Statewide Human Trafficking Task Force’s Work Group 1 are pleased to release the 2024 Human Trafficking Training Compendium. The purpose of this compendium is to connect professionals and individuals in the community to available human trafficking prevention and awareness training that is specific to their industry and/or needs. This list is not exhaustive, and though the WG does not endorse a particular program, each program has been reviewed and is considered high quality and accessible to the public.
to download.