Services: Training: Officers: Prosecutors: Violence Against Women Act Grant Program About [CFDA # 16.588]
The Services*Training*Officers*Prosecution (STOP) Violence Against Women Act Grant program has two overarching goals:
- To foster initiatives that develop and strengthen effective law enforcement, prosecution, adjudication and offender monitoring strategies to combat violent crimes against women; and
- To foster initiatives that expand and bolster services for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence.
Grants under this program can provide personnel, training, and technical assistance for the widespread apprehension, prosecution, and adjudication of offenders who commit violent crimes against women. CJCC encourages applicants to work with all the key stakeholders in their communities - domestic violence and/or sexual assault victim service providers, law enforcement agencies, prosecutors' offices, judges, child abuse victim service providers, etc. - to create a comprehensive and community-specific response to violence against women. According to the Violence Against Women Act of 2005, CJCC is required to allocate grant funds as follows:
- 25% to programs that benefit law enforcement;
- 25% to programs that benefit prosecution;
- 30% to victims services programs, of which 10% must be for culturally-specific services;
- 5% to programs that benefit court services;
- 15% discretionary grants; and,
- Up to 10% for grant administration costs.
Please note that all recipients, except for non-profit victim service agencies, are required to provide a 25% cash and/or in-kind match.
Every three years, CJCC is required to submit an Implementation plan to the Office on Violence Against Women to detail how the state will allocate funds. In November 2010, CJCC held a meeting with many current STOP VAWA subgrantees to determine what the state's priorities will be. Below is a link to the State of Georgia's STOP Violence Against Women Act Implementation Plan. Briefly, CJCC and meeting attendees determined Georgia's priorities to be the following:
- Increased, multi-modal and multi-disciplinary training on identifying and responding to domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and dating violence for law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, court personnel and other criminal justice system stakeholders;
- The development of innovative partnerships between the criminal justice system and local victim service providers to ensure all women victims of violence have access to core services;
- The implementation of fatality review and safety audit recommendations to ensure gaps in the criminal justice and victim service response are addressed.
Read CJCC's Complete Implementation Plan.
STOP VAWA funds are open to nonprofit, nongovernmental victim service providers, law enforcement agencies, prosecutors offices, courts and court-based programs, probation/parole offices, state domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking or dating violence coalitions, and state agencies.