Current Grant Opportunities

FY2023 Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program (COSSUP) Project Request for Applications (RFA)

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Download this pdf file. COSSUP Project RFA


The Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program (COSSUP) was created under the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) legislation. Its purpose is to provide financial and technical assistance to states, local governments, and Indian tribal governments to develop, implement, or expand comprehensive efforts to identify, respond to, treat, and support individuals affected by illicit opioids, stimulants, and other drugs of abuse. 

Proposals should aim to adopt or expand promising and/or evidence-based programs related to the three key objectives: criminal justice response in diversion and intervention, prevention and harm reduction, and recovery support.


Applicants are limited to first responders, community service boards, health departments, local court representatives, treatment providers, local child welfare offices, PDMPs, local prosecuting and public defender offices, and community supervision representatives addressing substance use in the communities they serve. Priority will be given to localities identified as having areas of need based on an indicator’s analysis. (See section II in the RFA for more information)


The application must be submitted electronically using the above link. All proposal documents are required to be submitted electronically by uploading the original files or by uploading scanned documents to the online application.

On Thursday, August 1, 2024, at 11 a.m., the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council will host a virtual webinar for the RFA. Please sign up here.


Risk Assessment and Monitoring. 2 CFR 200.332(b) states that “all pass-through entities must… evaluate each subrecipient’s risk of noncompliance with Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the subaward for the purposes of determining the appropriate subrecipient monitoring.”


The COSSUP monitoring schedule will be developed based on the overall subrecipient risk. The risk assessment should be completed using the implementing agency's information. For example, 'X' County Board of Commissioners receives multiple awards from CJCC but then passes it through to other local government agencies, such as a Solicitor General Office. The risk assessment should use the Solicitor General Office level data for the risk assessment. If the fiscal agent has completed a risk assessment within the last year, then a new risk assessment is not needed. Click here to complete risk assessment. To request access please email Kristen Lee at [email protected]. See below for instructions on how to complete the risk assessment:

APPLICATION DEADLINE All applications are due by 5:00PM on Friday, August 23, 2024

For assistance with the requirements of this solicitation, contact:


FY2024 Delinquency Prevention Grant Program (DP1): Year 5

Request for Applications 

Continuation Funding Only

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS   Download this pdf file. Delinquency Prevention Grant Program (DP1)  Download this pdf file. RFA

Applications must be submitted online via Formstack at the link: Please click here apply 


The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) in support of the Juvenile Justice State Advisory Group is pleased to announce that we are seeking continuation applications for funding under the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Program. 

The Delinquency Prevention Grants Program provides funding for the implementation of SFP 7-17 to youth who are first time offenders, diverted from the juvenile justice system, or charged with a status offense and identified as at-risk. Additionally, applicants can apply for wrap-around services that support concepts taught in SFP 7-17. The project period for this grant award is October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2025.This will be the final year of award funding.


Continuation Funding Only

Applicants are limited to local county commissions/boards of commissioners, city governments, or school districts. The availability of funds is dependent on appropriations from OJP. The Office reserves the right to reduce the amount of funds available based on government budgetary actions. The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, administers these funds at the national level.


The application must be submitted electronically using the above link. All proposal documents are required to be submitted electronically by uploading the original files or by uploading scanned documents to the online application.


Risk Assessment and Monitoring. 2 CFR 200.332(b) states that “all pass-through entities must… evaluate each subrecipient’s risk of noncompliance with Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the subaward for the purposes of determining the appropriate subrecipient monitoring.” 

The FY25 Juvenile Prevention and Intervention Grant Program monitoring schedule will be developed based on the overall subrecipient risk. The risk assessment should be completed using the fiscal agent’s information. For example, 'X' County Board of Commissioners receives the award on behalf of the ‘Y’ court, the risk assessment should use ‘X’s’ level data for the risk assessment. 

Click here to complete risk assessment. See below for instructions on how to complete the risk assessment: 



Please see below attachments. 

APPLICATION DEADLINE All applications are due by 5:00PM on Friday, August 16, 2024

For assistance with the requirements of this solicitation, contact:


FY2024 Delinquency Prevention Grant Program (DP2): Year 4

Request for Applications 

Continuation Funding Only

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS   Download this pdf file. Delinquency Prevention Grant Program (DP2)  Download this pdf file. RFA

Applications must be submitted online via Formstack at the link: Please click here apply 


The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) in support of the Juvenile Justice State Advisory Group is pleased to announce that we are seeking continuation applications for funding under the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Program. 

The Delinquency Prevention Grants Program provides funding for the implementation of evidence-based programs and prevention strategies to youth who are first time offenders, diverted from the juvenile justice system, or charged with a status offense and identified as at-risk. Additionally, counties can apply to fund up to 50% of a personnel position for the administration of this grant. The project period for this grant award is October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2025


Continuation Funding Only

Applicants are limited to local county commissions/boards of commissioners, city governments, or school districts. The availability of funds is dependent on appropriations from OJP. The Office reserves the right to reduce the amount of funds available based on government budgetary actions. The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, administers these funds at the national level.


The application must be submitted electronically using the above link. All proposal documents are required to be submitted electronically by uploading the original files or by uploading scanned documents to the online application.


Risk Assessment and Monitoring. 2 CFR 200.332(b) states that “all pass-through entities must… evaluate each subrecipient’s risk of noncompliance with Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the subaward for the purposes of determining the appropriate subrecipient monitoring.” 

The FY25 Juvenile Prevention and Intervention Grant Program monitoring schedule will be developed based on the overall subrecipient risk. The risk assessment should be completed using the fiscal agent’s information. For example, 'X' County Board of Commissioners receives the award on behalf of the ‘Y’ court, the risk assessment should use ‘X’s’ level data for the risk assessment. 

Click here to complete risk assessment. See below for instructions on how to complete the risk assessment: 



Please see below attachments. 

APPLICATION DEADLINE All applications are due by 5:00PM on Friday, August 16, 2024

For assistance with the requirements of this solicitation, contact:


FY2025 Juvenile Prevention and Intervention Grant Program 

Request for Applications 

Continuation Funding Only

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Download this pdf file. Juvenile Prevention and Intervention Grant RFA

Applications must be submitted online via Formstack at the link: Please click here apply 


The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) in support of the Juvenile Justice State Advisory Group is pleased to announce that we are seeking continuation applications for funding under the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Program. 

The Juvenile Prevention and Intervention (JPI) Grants Program provides funding for the implementation of programming for prevention from the juvenile justice system and intervention services for youth as alternatives to detention. Funding will be used to promote programming related to mental wellness, substance use, and violence reduction. Additionally, applicants may apply for up to 50% of a personnel position for the purposes of this grant. The project period for this grant award is October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2025.


Continuation Funding Only

Applicants are limited to local county commissions/boards of commissioners, city governments, non-profits or school districts. The availability of funds is dependent on appropriations from OJP. The Office reserves the right to reduce the amount of funds available based on government budgetary actions. The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, administers these funds at the national level.


The application must be submitted electronically using the above link. All proposal documents are required to be submitted electronically by uploading the original files or by uploading scanned documents to the online application.


Risk Assessment and Monitoring. 2 CFR 200.332(b) states that “all pass-through entities must… evaluate each subrecipient’s risk of noncompliance with Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the subaward for the purposes of determining the appropriate subrecipient monitoring.” 

The FY25 Juvenile Prevention and Intervention Grant Program monitoring schedule will be developed based on the overall subrecipient risk. The risk assessment should be completed using the fiscal agent’s information. For example, 'X' County Board of Commissioners receives the award on behalf of the ‘Y’ court, the risk assessment should use ‘X’s’ level data for the risk assessment. 

Click here to complete risk assessment. See below for instructions on how to complete the risk assessment: 



Please see below attachments. 

APPLICATION DEADLINE All applications are due by 3:00PM on Friday, August 9, 2024

For assistance with the requirements of this solicitation, contact:


SFY2025 State Domestic Violence Grant Program

Request for Application



Download this pdf file. SFY25 State Domestic Violence RFA


Applications must be submitted online via Formstack at the link below:


The funding source for this solicitation is the Georgia State Appropriations Grant. responding to the symptoms of chronic interpersonal trauma and traumatic stress across the lifespan. CJCC will accept applications from domestic violence programs for the provision of residential and non-residential domestic violence services. The purpose of the Domestic Violence Grant Program per O.C.G.A. 19-13-22 is to provide intervention services, awareness, and education to Georgia’s citizens on domestic violence prevention strategies that will change the attitudes of communities. Core intervention services include the following listed below.

  • Safe, confidential shelter staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • 24-hour crisis line answered by staff
  • Service planning/case management
  • Safety planning
  • Structured children’s activities
  • Individual and group counseling, peer support groups and referral to such services to include adults, teens, and children exposed
  • Legal advocacy
  • Medical advocacy
  • Social service advocacy
  • Financial advocacy/means of support
  • Household establishment services
  • Transportation access
  • Follow-up
  • TANF assessments
  • Parenting support/education
  • Non-residential support services
  • Community outreach and awareness

Continuation Funding Only

Please note: SFY25 allocations may be subject to change. Applicants are limited to agencies located in Georgia that are 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations that meet the eligibility requirements outlined in this solicitation. This RFA is to assist with the funding of state domestic violence programs to provide intervention services, awareness, and education to Georgia’s citizens on domestic violence prevention strategies that will change the attitudes of communities.

Applicant agencies should be certified and eligible to receive Local Victim Assistance Program (LVAP) 5% funds and be certified to provide trauma-informed services to trafficking victims by CJCC. Agencies without certification may apply for funding; however, if funding is awarded the agency will have to complete certification requirements prior to drawing down funds. In FY24, the agency must be recognized by the state of Georgia as a state funded certified domestic violence shelter in order to receive funding.


Interested applicants should review the RFA in its entirety. Applications must be submitted to the CJCC using the link above. All attachments must be included.

APPLICATION DEADLINE All applications are due by 5:00PM on Thursday, July 11, 2024
CONTACT For assistance with the requirements of this solicitation, contact:


FFY2024 Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) Grant Program

Request for Application 


Download this pdf file. FFY24 FVPSA Continuation RFA


Applications must be submitted online via Formstack at the link below:


The funding sources for this solicitation is the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act Grant Program. Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF) is the federal agency that administers FVPSA State Formula Grant Funds to U.S. states and territories. ACYF is committed to facilitating healing and recovery, and promoting the social and emotional well-being of victims, children, youth, and families who have experienced domestic violence, maltreatment, exposure to violence, and trauma. An important component of promoting well-being in this regard includes addressing the impact of trauma, which can have profound impacts on coping, resiliency, and skill development. ACYF promotes a trauma-informed approach, which involves understanding and responding to the symptoms of chronic interpersonal trauma and traumatic stress across the lifespan. The Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) provides the primary federal funding stream dedicated to the support of emergency shelter and supportive services for victims of domestic violence and their dependents. It helps fund core domestic violence services across the country, including crisis response, safe housing, advocacy, counseling, legal assistance, safety planning, and comprehensive support.


Continuation Funding Only

Applicants are limited to agencies located in Georgia that are 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations that meet the eligibility requirements outlined in this solicitation. This RFA is to assist with the funding of state-certified domestic violence shelter programs to provide intervention services, awareness, and education to Georgia’s citizens on domestic violence prevention strategies that will change the attitudes of communities.

Applicant agencies should be certified and eligible to receive Local Victim Assistance Program (LVAP) 5% funds and be certified to provide trauma-informed services to trafficking victims by CJCC. Agencies without certification may apply for funding; however, if funding is awarded the agency will have to complete certification requirements prior to drawing down funds. In FY23, the agency must be recognized by the state of Georgia as a state-funded certified domestic violence shelter in order to receive funding.


Interested applicants should review the RFA in its entirety. Applications must be submitted to the CJCC using the link above. All attachments must be included.

APPLICATION DEADLINE All applications are due by 5:00PM on Thursday, July 11, 2024
CONTACT For assistance with the requirements of this solicitation, contact:


SFY2025 State Sexual Assault Grant Program

Request for Application 

REQUEST FOR APPLICATION Download this pdf file. SFY25 State Sexual Assault Grant Continuation RFA

Applications must be submitted online via Formstack at the link below:


The funding source for this solicitation is the Georgia State Appropriations Grant. CJCC will accept applications from sexual assault programs for the purpose of intervention services to sexual assault victims, as well as awareness and education to Georgia’s citizens on sexual assault that will change the attitudes of communities regarding nonconsensual sex and violence. Education and awareness activities will be accomplished through the provision of trainings, presentations, technical assistance, community outreach, direct service and collaboration.

Core intervention services include the following listed below.

  • Advocacy/crisis intervention
  • Emergency financial assistance
  • Follow-up contact
  • Follow-up exams
  • Legal advocacy
  • Medical accompaniment
  • Assistance with Victims Compensation

Specialized Services include the following listed below.

  • Medical Forensic Examinations
  • Support Groups
  • Individual/Family Therapy
  • Prevention using an evidence-based curriculum

Continuation Funding Only

Please Note: SFY2026 allocations may be subject to change pending the availability of funds. Applicants are limited to agencies located in Georgia that are 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations that meet the eligibility requirements outlined in this solicitation. This RFA is to assist with the funding of state sexual assault programs to provide intervention services, awareness, and education to Georgia’s citizens on sexual assault prevention strategies that will change the attitudes of communities.

Applicant agencies should be certified and eligible to receive Local Victim Assistance (LVAP) 5% funds and if applicable, be certified to provide trauma-informed services to trafficking victims by CJCC. Agencies without certification may apply for funding; however, if funding is awarded the agency will have to complete certification requirements prior to drawing down funds. In FY24, the agency must be recognized by the state of Georgia as eligible and in compliance with Georgia State Certification Standards for sexual assault centers in order to receive funding.


Interested applicants should review the RFA in its entirety. Applications must be submitted to the CJCC using the link above. All attachments must be included.

APPLICATION DEADLINE All applications are due by 5:00PM on Thursday, July 11, 2024
CONTACT For assistance with the requirements of this solicitation, contact:
Cynthia Taylor at 404-657-2233 or [email protected]