
Additional information on programmatic and financial guidance for juvenile justice subrecipients can be found at CJCC's COVID-19 Response webpage. 



*Please note, the instructions above for submitting expenditure reports are specific to all Juvenile Justice grant awards and may be different for other grant awards.

Subgrant Expenditure Requests:

Recipients may request reimbursement for expenses incurred during the grant period on either a monthly or quarterly basis. To request reimbursement, the recipient must submit a Subgrant Expenditure Report (SER), SER Cover Form, and backup documentation within thirty days of a month’s end date or thirty days of the quarter’s end date. CJCC may not grant reimbursement requests that are not submitted as instructed.

SERs should be submitted electronically via Formstack. The link to submit is here

All grantees are required to complete and upload the following documents with each reimbursement request. This will better assist us with applying/categorizing expenses to the appropriate budget categories.

When submitting monthly/quarterly SERs, each grantee is required to:

  • Complete the respective SER with appropriate signatures
  • Complete and submit a printed copy the JJ Unit Cover Form (see attached electronic excel document). Please be sure to specify the subgrant number and the appropriate SER # on the cover page of the Excel document. This number can be found in the top right corner of your pre-printed Subgrant Expenditure Report/Request for Funds form.
  • Include a printed copy for each budget category to accompany the completed expenditure report outlining the expenditures requested for each budget category (Please print each applicable tab(s): Coversheet, Personnel, Equipment, Supplies, Travel, Printing, Other)
  • Apply the appropriate accounting code per expense when possible when completing the Excel document
    • We are aware that there is not a specific accounting code for each individual expense, If you are unable to locate the appropriate accounting code you may move forward with completing and submitting the form without specifying a specific code and the expense will be coded accordingly once reviewed.

Subgrant Adjustment Requests:

Occasionally subgrantees may also need to change/update any of the following on a grant:

  • Primary and secondary contact information;
  • A budget modification within currently approved budget categories;
  • An extension on the project's lifecycle;
  • Personnel changes (either changes in the persons funded or the percent of time spent on the grant).

To request any of the above, subgrantees must complete a Subgrant Adjustment Request (SAR) form and submitted it electronically via Formstack. The link to submit is here

Per the special conditions of the Juvenile Justice Incentive Grant Program and Title II Formula Grant Awards: 25% of the awarded funding must be expended each quarter of the grant cycle. Any unused funds will be retained and managed by the Council.


Please note, reimbursement requests will not be approved until the appropriate Progress Report is submitted/received for the respective quarter. For those reporting directly to CVIOG, all data reports must be up-to-date before reimbursement requests are approved.

Monthly Data Reports

Please adhere to the Carl Vincent Institute of Government's deadlines when submitting monthly data reports.

Carl Vinson Institute of Government
The University of Georgia
706-542-6272 |

Quarterly Progress Reports

In addition to the data reporting, federally-funded courts must complete and submit a quarterly report no later than 30 days following the end of each quarter.

Quarterly Report Timetable:

Quarter Dates Due Date
Quarter 1
July 1 - September 30
Due: October 30
Quarter 2
October 1 - December 31
Due: January 30
Quarter 3
January 1 - March 31
Due: April 30
Quarter 4
April 1 - June 30
Due: July 30

For more information about financial reporting, please contact the Juvenile Justice Planner.