Juvenile Justice
Unit Overview
CJCC’s Juvenile Justice Unit is dedicated to improving juvenile justice programs across the state and administers numerous state and federal grant programs to this end. These grant programs include both formula and competitive funding and support programs that demonstrate a clear commitment to the accountability principles of restorative justice for youth.
Research, state and federal law, and best practice all support the premise that youth are fundamentally different than adults, in both their level of responsibility as well as their potential for rehabilitation. To this end, the State of Georgia has established a juvenile justice system that is distinct from the adult criminal justice system and provides procedures that are unique to the treatment of juveniles. Stakeholders that work with the youth and families involved with Georgia's juvenile justice system require ongoing support to meet the needs of this distinct population. Therefore, in addition to its responsibilities as a grant manager, the Juvenile Justice Unit also acts as a coordinator, facilitator, and technical assistance provider. In its coordinating capacity, the unit has worked with both state and local agencies to strengthen grant proposals and develop cohesive strategies to address juvenile justice issues across the state. The unit also provides technical expertise to ensure compliance with federal and state laws concerning juvenile detention and confinement to secure funding for the state's juvenile crime reduction efforts. Maintaining Georgia's compliance with the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act keeps Georgia eligible to receive federal juvenile justice funds.
Unit Goals
CJCC’s Juvenile Justice Unit is currently prioritizing the following objectives:
- Secure continued funding aimed at improving treatment, recidivism, and juvenile crime reduction outcomes;
- Streamline and strengthen processes for access to resources for local juvenile justice efforts; and
- Improve communication and coordination among stakeholders regarding the development of and support for state-specific strategies.
For more information, please contact Juvenile Justice Program Director Stephanie Mikkelsen at SMikkelsen@cjcc.ga.gov.
The Juvenile Justice Unit oversees several state and federal programs, including the Delinquency Prevention Grant, Title II Formula Grant, STOP School Violence Grant, and the Juvenile Justice Incentive Grant. For information regarding current and past funding opportunities, please visit Funding Opportunities | Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (georgia.gov)