5% Reporting

In accordance with statute, certified local victim assistance programs are required to submit a report to CJCC annually via the "Certified Agency 5% Annual Report." County governing authorities submit a financial report to CJCC semi-annually via the “County 5% Semi-Annual Report."

Please read carefully.

Certified Agency 5% Annual Report
All agencies, except county governing authorities, certified to receive 5% Local Victim Assistance Add-On Fines must submit an annual report to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. This report includes the total amount of funds received, the purposes for which the funds were expended, and the total number of victims served in each county. To maintain certification, agencies must submit a report whether funds were received during the reporting period. Failure to submit this report may result in a request to Council to have the current year’s certification rescinded and a temporary hold on all of the agency’s grant award(s). Data must be reported for the period of January 1 through December 31 of the year being reported.

County 5% Semi-Annual Report
Every county governing authority receiving funds shall submit a financial report to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council semi-annually listing the recipients that directly received funds during the previous reporting period no later than the last day of the month following the reporting period in which the funds were collected in order to allow coordination of local, state, and federal funding for similar services. The county is responsible for submitting the reports even when it disburses all of the funds directly to the district attorney's office.

The data includes amount collected, retained, disbursed, which agencies received 5% funds from your county, and what purpose retained funds served. Once the report is started, it must be completed.

Please note: It is the responsibility of the county to be aware of report requirements. Any county governing authority submitting late reports may subject their county to a graduated loss of grant funds, if any.


Related File(s):

2024-2026 State of Georgia Certification Guidelines for Local Victim Assistance Programs (LVAP) & Human Trafficking Victims Assistance Organizations (HTVAO)