Bulletproof Vest Partnership

The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council is responsible for the administration of the federally-funded Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) reimbursement program for state agencies.

The Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP), created by the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Act, is a U.S. Department of Justice initiative designed to assist local and state law enforcement agencies, other eligible state agencies, and educational institutions with law enforcement functions in obtaining lifesaving equipment.

Since 1999, over 13,000 jurisdictions have participated in the BVP Program, with $430 million in federal funds committed to support the purchase of an estimated 800,000 vests. In 2017, agencies all over the State of Georgia received $651,453.61 to provide vests.

Recognized units of general government as defined by the BVP statute and recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau employing law enforcement officers as defined by the BVP Grant Act. The jurisdiction's chief executive is required to complete the online registration and to provide general oversight and approval of key transactions between the program and the participating law enforcement agencies.

BVP is an online program that allows users to apply for reimbursement during open application periods.

State Applicants must first create a new user account on the Office of Justice Program's website. Identify the total number, type, and projected cost of vests for the applicants eligible and participating law enforcement officers by the application closing date. The application deadline varies each year.

All state applicants should contact Laura Thompson for additional information on the state application process.

Local Applicants should follow the same steps as a state agency to register for the BVP program. However, you should contact your agency's Chief Executive Officer for any questions or concerns regarding the application process.

Please note: This program regards each jurisdiction as unique and discrete. Your county application will only include county-level agencies; and a town application will only include town-level agencies. Multiple jurisdictions are not permitted to combine their vest needs into one application. Only State agencies should contact CJCC for questions regarding your application. All other jurisdictions should contact your agency's Chief Executive Officer.

For more information, visit the Office of Justice Programs Bulletproof Vest Partnership's website.