Georgia Human Trafficking Resource List

Statewide Human Trafficking Hotline: call 1-866-363-4842;

In coordination with state partners, CJCC facilitated the creation of a statewide human trafficking hotline to serve as a one-stop shop to answer questions and offer assistance related to trafficking. This hotline is a vital resource that provides information to law enforcement when there is suspicion of sexual and/or labor exploitation of minors or adults, as well as connects individuals to services and resources throughout the state. Trained law enforcement agents, advocates, and first responders are available 24/7 to answer calls. The hotline is also available in Spanish. 

Hotline Options:                                                                 

  • Option 1 to be connected to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation if you see or hear something suspicious that you suspect is human trafficking. 
  • Option 2 to be connected to Children's Advocacy Centers of Georgia for resources and information for minors who may or have been sex trafficked. 
  • Option 3 to be connected to Statewide Human Trafficking Victim Advocate for resources and information for adults who may or have been sex trafficked. 
  • Option 4 to be connected to Tapestri for resources and information for foreign adults and minors who may or have been labor and/or sex trafficked.  
  • Option 5 to be connected to the Receiving Hope Center, a residential intake center for confirmed or suspected trafficked youth.  
  • Option 6 to be connected to the National Human Trafficking Hotline for out of state resources and information. 

 These agencies will connect you with further resources if needed. 

 Child Advocacy Centers:

  • Conducts forensic interviews, family and victim advocacy, therapy and therapy referrals, medical exams and referrals

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta – Stephanie Blank Center:

  • Locations- Scottish Rite and Hughes Spalding
  • Conducts Forensic Medical Exams
  • 404-785-5437;

Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS):

  • You are mandated to report to DFCS.
  • DFCS is increasingly being trained specifically to handle CSEC case               
  • 1-855-GACHILD / 1-855-422-4453;

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI):

  • Metro ATlanta CHild Exploitation Task Force (MATCH) FBI Database
  • 404-679-9000

Frontline Response:

  • Will pick up an adult victim upon request and provide shelter and other services.
  • 404-941-6024;

Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI):

  • Child Exploitation and Computer Crimes Unit
  • 404-270-8870
  • 404-244-2600 (24-hour call center)

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC):

Receiving Hope Center:

  • Residential intake facility for trafficked youth between the ages of 12 – 17 years old
  • Provides full wraparound services
  • 470-467-3669;


  • Addresses the needs of foreign- born survivors of violence
  • Provides crisis counseling, short term shelter and housing assistance, healthcare/ medical assistance, assistance with legal and immigration issues, TESL, vocational and life skills training and translation services
  • 404 -299-2185;