Success Stories



Since funding in Georgia has been drastically reduced for Domestic Violence Victims, the Federal Stimulus funding has permitted S.H.A.R.E. House, Inc. to retain a position and create two positions where funding had been lost. These funds prevented the layoff of staff and helped the agency to create a Shelter Advocate position as well as adding a Bi-Lingual Legal Advocate.

The Shelter Advocate position is a very important position to S.H.A.R.E. House. It involves responding to crisis calls, accepting and in taking victims into the shelter. The Shelter Advocate position was funded under the Federal stimulus, and without it would have caused delays in getting victims into the shelter, gaps in shelter 24/7 coverage as well responses to the emergency crisis line.

The Federal Stimulus funding not only helped retained the Legal Advocate's position at S.H.A.R.E. House, but because of the nature of the services provided by the advocate it allowed a mother of six to obtain a Family Violence protective order, stay in her home and have the abuser removed, ending years of abuse. The funded Legal Advocate's position coordinated many services for Victims of Domestic Violence including safety plans and court supports.

The Bi-Lingual Advocate offered a safe and inviting atmosphere for Spanish speaking clients. It relieved a burden of language barriers that often keep Hispanic victims from seeking legal assistance, especially when it comes to Domestic Violence. The Bi-Lingual Advocate was also a practicing attorney was able to help complete paper work for U-Visa's.

The Federal Stimulus money allowed S.H.A.R.E House to maintain the Legal Advocacy Program. The advocate assisted with approximately 300 Family Violence Protective Orders. These funds helped keep hundreds of women and children safe during the Recovery Stimulus funding period.