Project Safe: Access to the Courts

Athens-Clarke County Courts, Clerk of Courts and the Probation Services Office, along with Project Safe Inc., have collaborated to create a video highlighting the available court resources for domestic violence victims. This local project is one of the many funded by STOP VAWA through the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council which promotes a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach to enhancing advocacy and improving the criminal justice system's response to violent crimes against women.

The video and accompanying brochure thoroughly walks listeners and readers through the multitude of available community resources while demystifying the process of obtaining civil protection orders. Joan Prittie, Executive Director of Project Safe Inc., another STOP VAWA funded agency, worked with domestic violence survivors, volunteers, and staff from both her agency and the courthouse to create the 11-minute video.

This free video has been distributed widely throughout Athens-Clarke County, can currently be found on YouTube and will soon be available on the Athens-Clarke County government website. While offered in both English and Spanish, the video is an innovative and cost-effective tool for both improving court responses to adult and youth domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking and developing and improving advocacy and services in cases involving violent crimes against women.

Click here to watch the: "Access to the Courts Video"

For more information about obtaining and/or distributing this video, please contact:

Mr. Tracy J. BeMent
District Court Administrator, Tenth Judicial Administrative District
Phone: (706) 613-3173
Email: [email protected]


Ms. Joan Prittie
Executive Director, Project Safe, Inc.
Phone: (706) 549-0922
Email: [email protected]