The Potential Impact of Sequestration Cuts on Criminal Justice and Victim Services
A newly released research brief, prepared by CJCC’s Statistical Analysis Center, examines the impact that sequestration cuts could have on CJCC’s currently federally funded programs. The analysis includes CJCC’s 5 largest federal formula funding streams – Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant, Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program, Victims of Crime Act Assistance Grant, STOP Violence Against Women Act Formula Grant, and Sexual Assault Services Program Formula Grant.
- Since 2009, Georgia’s Byrne-JAG award has already been cut by 40%. A 27% decrease in arrests by multi-jurisdictional drug task forces (MJDTF’s) for felony and misdemeanor drug crime;
- The number of firearms CJCC-funded MJDTF’s confiscated also decreased by 37% (2009-2010).
- Since 2010, CJCC’s RSAT award decreased by 65%. This decrease has resulted in the closure of one of CJCC’s funded programs through the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice. This closure means there are 52 fewer treatment beds for juvenile offenders with substance abuse issues.
- RSAT programs save the state money by focusing incarceration on the offenders who need it most and providing the necessary treatment to offenders with substance abuse. These programs are evidence-based and have substantial impact on recidivism.
- Youth completing DJJ RSAT programs recidivate at a rate that is over 10% less than the general DJJ population.
- For every dollar spent on substance abuse treatment for offenders, the state could potentially realize between $4 to $7 in reduced costs related to drug crime.
- The overall reduction in VOCA, VAWA, and SASP grants could result in over 17,000 fewer victims served in the next few years.
- The average number of services each new victim that VOCA providers see has increased from 3.8 services to 4.7 in the last 10 years. Compounded over 181,000 victims served in 2012, that marginal increase in services adds up and strains providers.
- A 2010 survey of CJCC-funded victim service providers revealed that funding is the number 1 concern for 122 of the 190 agencies responding.
For the full report,