Outcome Performance Overview
The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council requires its victim services sub-grantees to collect outcome data from their clients who receive direct services. CJCC requires the collection of outcome performance data to improve grant monitoring and technical assistance efforts, and to provide sub-grantees with information they can use for improving their programs and reporting to other funding agencies.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Which programs are affected?
This requirement applies only to sub-grantees delivering direct services to clients who are victims of crime, and whose contact with clients is more extensive than a single telephone call or other distribution of information (hotlines).
When are outcome performance measures due?
Outcome data reports are submitted twice a year, in April for the first six months (October thru March) and again in October for the annual summary (October thru September).
What tools are needed to report?
CJCC and Performance Vistas worked with direct service victim agencies to develop survey tools. Each agency type (CASA, CAC, VWAP, Domestic Violence etc.) has a survey tool which specifically targets the needs of those clients. Agencies should use summary sheets to collect outcome data and the web-based reporting tools to report all their outcome data online.
Reporting Sites:
Subgrantees will not have to report the outcome survey data they have collected on either April 30th or on October 30, 2011. Reporting will resume April 30, 2013.