Grant Programs Overview

The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) serves as the State Administering Agency (SAA) for numerous federal grant programs and manages state grant programs funded by the Georgia General Assembly. As the SAA, CJCC applies for grants on behalf of the State of Georgia and then makes awards to subgrantees to carry out approved programs. This also means CJCC is obligated to ensure all subgrantees adequately perform all agreed-upon services while adhering to the requirements of the grant programs.

CJCC is the SAA for the following federal programs:

  • Capital Case Litigation Initiative
  • Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne-JAG)
  • Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement
  • Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN)
  • Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners (RSAT)
  • Sexual Assault Services Program (SASP)
  • S.T.O.P Violence Against Women (VAWA)
  • Victims of Crime Act Victim's Assistance (VOCA)

Funds from these grants are awarded to local governments, state agencies and nonprofit agencies - not to individual/private persons. Eligibility criteria are defined on the website and at the time of each solicitation. Open solicitations are announced on the website, CJCC's Facebook page and also listed on the calendar.

Once awarded, subgrantees are monitored via financial and program reports and are subject to periodic audits by CJCC.