VOCA Grant Overview
Victims of Crime Act Assistance Grant Program [CFDA # 16.807]
The Victims of Crime Act Victim's Assistance Grant Program supports direct services to crime victims (i.e. persons who have suffered physical, sexual, financial, or emotional harm as a result of the commission of a crime). The federal Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) makes annual formula grants, which in turn are subgranted to local organizations, for states to ensure that crime victims' rights are upheld and that they play a meaningful role in the criminal justice process.
According to the 1997 VOCA Guidelines services are defined as efforts to:
- respond to the emotional and physical needs of crime victims
- assist primary and secondary victims of crime to stabilize their lives after a victimization
- assist victims to understand and participate in the criminal justice system
- provide victims of crime with a measure of safety and security
According to the VOCA guidelines, 30% of a state's formula grant must go to service provision for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse (10% for each). Eligible agencies must have a record of effective service provision for victims of crime. Please note that all prospective applicants are required to provide a 20% cash and/or in-kind match. Applicants may meet this match using volunteer labor - in fact, VOCA requires subgrantees to use volunteers.
Organizations that have not received VOCA funds in the past but wish to apply must demonstrate that at least 25% of their funding comes from non-federal sources.
CJCC aims to use all victim service dollars to maximize the provision of core services while encouraging innovative partnerships to ensure victims in all areas of the state have access to help. From 2011-2012 CJCC will conduct a comprehensive statewide needs assessment to determine where gaps in services exist, and what kinds of services are most lacking.
Generally, CJCC uses VOCA funds as follows:
- To sustain service provision levels throughout the state;
- To ensure that crime victims across the state have access to advocacy services to ensure their rights under the Georgia Crime Victims Bill of Rights (found below) are upheld;
- To ensure all crime victims have access to core services.