Juvenile Justice Grant Writing Workshop

The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council,
Governor’s Office of Children and Families, &
Annie E. Casey Foundation

Cordially invites you to attend and participate in the Juvenile Justice Grant Writing Workshop

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013
9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Georgia Public Safety Training Center
1000 Indian Springs Drive
Forsyth, GA 31029

Purpose: To provide technical assistance to local jurisdictions seeking to apply for juvenile justice funding through CJCC’s Juvenile Justice Incentive Grant Program and/or GOCF’s Juvenile Reinvestment Grant.

Registration Instructions: This workshop is recommended for grant writers working with the local jurisdictions and the supporting juvenile judge applying for funding under either or both of the grant programs. Given the space limitations (max: 200) we recommend registering only the following attendees: Juvenile Court Judge and Grant Writer.

Juvenile Justice Incentive Grant: During the 2013 legislative session Governor Nathan Deal and the Georgia General Assembly appropriated $5 million to CJCC for the purpose of creating effective community programs to serve youth who are currently being committed to DJJ and/or sent to Short-term Programs as a sanction.

Juvenile Reinvestment Grant: The Governor’s Office of Children and Families grant program designed to improve accountability for offending behaviors by increasing accountability programming for juveniles as well as improving juvenile justice system accountability to juveniles.

Registration for this event has closed. For information regarding this event and attendance please contact:

Misty Giles, Deputy Director
[email protected]


Jennifer Wade, Planning and Policy Development Specialist
[email protected]