Dr. David A. Crenshaw presents "Creative and Hopeful Play Therapy Techniques for Child Trauma" - Some play therapy theoretical approaches such as Child-Centered Play Therapy (CCPT) and Jungian Analytical Play Therapy (JAPT) honor and respect the innate healing potential of a child and are inherently hopeful in the treatment of child trauma even though the approaches differ greatly in methods. In addition, there are interventions and specific techniques that are trans-theoretical that can be integrated into a wide range of theoretical models that focus on the strengths and resilience of children and families, including spiritual resources that will be featured in this day-long workshop. The presenter places primary emphasis on the common variables in play therapy, our way of being with a child in an unguarded, receptive, nonjudgmental, accepting, and fully present manner. In addition to our way of being and therapeutic presence that are the primary healing factors, specific strategies will be shared in this workshop to facilitate resilience in play therapy, to enhance hope, spiritual, and creative potentials. RSVP is required for this event. For more information, please contact Ms. Vicky Spann at (770) 801-3465 or at [email protected].